About us - sidst redigeret d. 7/4 - 2018
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Årsmøde i Fredsministeriet d. 15/2


Krig løser ikke konflikten mellem Israel og Palæstina


Fredsministerium peger på en anden og mere sikker vej for Danmark, end SMV-Regeringens forslag til nyt forsvarsforlig.


Åbent brev til medlemmerne af Folketingets Udenrigs- og Forsvarsudvalg samt Udenrigspolitisk Nævn


Forbyd  Atomvåben - ICAN 
i Danmark/undgå atomkrig

Link til deres materialer - om dette.


About us Kontakt - Oversigt

What is the Danish Ministry of Peace /
Fredsministerium. dk?

Sidens top.


The peace organization Fredsministerium.dk / The Danish Ministry of Peace is the umbrella organization for Danish peace organizations and peace activists. Fredsminsterium.dk has decided to work in an unequivocally constructive and future oriented manner.

The leading demand of Fredsministerium.dk is the establishment of a Ministry of Peace for Denmark as an integral part of national government. This idea was raised originally by Fredrik Bajer who received and shared the Nobel Peace Prize in 1908 with the Swede Klas Pontus Arnoldson who had worked for the peaceful dissolving of the political union between Sweden and Norway in 1905. Arnoldson was one of the founders of the Swedish Peace and Reconciliation Society. Fredrik Bajer was a Danish politician who participated in establishing the International Peace Bureau and who thought it would be natural for Denmark to have a ministry of peace along with a war or defence ministry.

It would be a ministry of peace which encompasses all negotiations and all peaceful conflict resolution. Peace issues would have a parliamentary ministry just like defence and the environment. Peace organizations and peace activists should naturally be consulted on relevant issues, be initiators and a popular base for parliamentary peace initiatives and activities.

There is a strong consensus among united Danish pea ce groups to establish a ministry of peace.

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The slogans of Fredsministerium.dk are :

Establishment of a parliamentary ministry of peace
No to a militaristic foreign policy
Yes to a peace activistic foreign policy
Civilian instead of military conflict resolution
Research in promoting and maintaining peace
Focus on alternatives to military operations
Peace education on all grade levels
Reduction of the military budget
Clear demarcation between peace and military operations
Women’s involvement in peace processes
War is also a form of terror
No to Danish production and transport of weapons

I met Frants Villadsen and Helge Ratzer from Fredsministerium.dk at the Degerfors Peace Seminars in Sweden in 2013. Since then I have participated in several of Fredsministerium.dk’s meetings as a guest. I also attended the Peace Festival in Aarhus last fall organized by Aarhus Against War and Terror. I shall join Fredsministerium.dk at Folkemoedet (People’s Forum) on Bornholm in June 2014 . The meeting on Bornholm is similar to the popular forum at Almadalen on Gotland in Sweden.
There are encouraging signs of Nordic / Scandinavian cooperation among peace activists which should continue and be expanded.

André Brochu
Swedish Peace Committee
d. 5/6 - 2014

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How can a Ministry of Peace promote Danish policy of Peace?How can a Ministry of Peace promote Danish policy of Peace?

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Fredsministerium / The Danish Ministry of Peace is an umbrella organization or network of a growing number of Danish peace organizations and peace activists.

The leading wish of Fredsministerium is the establishment of a Ministry of Peace for Denmark as an integral part of the national government, so we are trying to persuade the public and members of the Danish Parliament of the need of such a ministry.

We argue that a Peace Minister should be the cornerstone in changing Danish security policy from a policy of war to a policy of peace.

It should be a Ministry of Peace which encompasses all negotiations and all peaceful conflict resolution. Peace issues should have a parliamentary ministry just like defense and the environment.

We believe that the Peace organizations still should rally, protest and campaign, whenever our government chooses to go to war or decides to spend billions on armament and buying of offensive weapons, such as new combat aircrafts!

But most of all we believe, that during the long period of Danish warfare, the military systems, have gained lots of competences while our country has lost its former peace capacity: Nonmilitary conflict resolution, peacebuilding negotiation skills, diplomacy and mediation.

We think that peace researchers, peace organizations and peace activists should naturally be consulted on relevant issues, be initiators and a popular base for parliamentary peace initiatives and activities.

We will participate in this by increasing the peace movements own capacity of peace by means of a yet closer corporation with peace-researchers and to use this capacity to build stronger bridges between the peacemovement, the population and the politicians.

In the near future we hope to be able to attract more organizations, and become more offensive by establishing of a “shadow cabinet”, that will be able to advocate factual about realistic alternatives to the policy of war.

In our own annual and continual events; a small “Peace Folk Highschool” at the Folkemøde on the island of Bornholm in June and on our arrangements, hearings and concerts on the UN Peace Day in September we gather peace researchers –organizations, –activists and -artists.

These years we focus on development of an alternative, comprehensive Danish and Nordic security policy and specific Nordic co-operation to keep the Baltic Sea as a Sea of Peace by demanding demilitarization of the islands in it.

Fredsministerium is the Danish branch of the Global Alliance for Ministries & Infrastructures for Peace, GAMIP.



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Bestyrelse i fredsministerium.dk:


Hasse Schneidermann


(Aldrig Mere Krig)
Formand for bestyrelse
Mobiltelefon: 2333 4460

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Birgit Sørensen

Er fra København
Mob 61660130
menigt medlem af Fredsministerium

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Carsten Andersen

Fra Århus mod Krig og Terror
Tlf. 22385234
mail carsten@fred.dk

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Helge Ratzer


Aktiv i Århus mod Krig og Terror.
Tlf. 20 47 96 99.
E-mail: helgeratzer@outlook.dk
Skype: helge.ratzer

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Ida Brorsdatter Harsløf

2680 Solrød Strand
+45 2042 0995
Feminist og Forkvinde for
Kvindernes Internationale Liga for Fred og Frihed


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Jørgen Manniche - suppleant

E-mail: joerma@webspeed.dk,
Mob: 60676815

Jeg er ikke repræsentant for nogen organisation. 
Jeg er medlem af Tid til Fred og flere andre fredskredse,
MS, SOS, Ibis, Global Kontakt,  Int Højskoles skoleråd,
Esperanto og en af de tidligere flittige i FredsVagten..

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Lis Gilager - suppleant.

Jeg er aktiv i Amnesty International i gruppen mod Tortur,
frivillig i DRC (Flygtningehjælpen)
og med i Human Rights March,
som arbejder med problemerne ang. Palæstina.

Sidens top.



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Kalender 2025



Materialer, Inspiration til

Nyheder 2024

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> 2012 - Kalender


Sidens top.


Det Nationale Klimatopmøde 2024 i Klimatorium, der den 21-22. august


Folkemødet på Bornholm:


Bornholm 2022

I forgrunden, Store Lærkegård, hvor Fredsministeriet har boet under folkemøderne.

Folkemødet 2022

Link til billeder fra 2022

I 2021 var der digitalt Folkemøde.

I 2020 var der ikke folkemøde grundet coronaen.


Bornholm 2019

Sidens top

Bornholm 2018

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Bornholm 2017

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Bornholm 2016

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Bornholm 2015

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Bornholm 2014

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Bornholm 2013

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